Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to get rid of acne fast

« ...Nodules are hard lumps underneath the surface of the skin which can be painful and last for several months. Nodules are much larger than those mentioned above. Unresolved nodules can sometimes leave an impaction behind, which can flare again and again. It is not at all advisable to squeeze or pop them. You may cause severe trauma to the skin and the lesion may last for months longer than it normally would. This type of acne is particularly vulnerable to scarring, so it is advisable to have it treated by a dermatologist....
...More serious acne breakouts may require a physicians treatment. The deeper acne like cysts and nodules can leave scarring. You doctor may suggest the use of prescription treatments to quickly resolve the acne and prevent scarring. If you have moderate to severe acne you doctor may put you on a variety of medications and treatments. ...»
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«...Acne treatments will take time to work. It usually takes about two months before you see any significant improvement so you should be patient....»
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tags: does hydrocortisone cream help acne redness, acne minerals zinc vitamin a b c, food that cause acne

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